
dir. Rodrigo Cortes, 2010

Director-editor Cortes should be commended for this claustrophobic exercise in cinematic minimalism, as he shoves us into a coffin with Ryan Reynolds (getting a real dramatic showcase here) for 95 minutes, allows nail-biting complications and aggravating cellphone conversations to play out in real-time, and somehow manages to skewer American bureaucracy along the way without letting the premise fall into “gimmick” territory.

House of Cards – Episode 10 – “Chapter Ten”

Even as his two love interests find comfort in the arms of other men, Francis Underwood continues to be one of the most complex new characters on television, seemingly unscathed by treachery, doling out kindness in exchange for nothing (so he claims) while simultaneously setting up pawns like Peter Russo, only to knock them down when they attempt to jump rank and act above their post.

House of Cards – Episode 9 – “Chapter Nine”

Despite the fact that this was a transitional episode – with Russo on the campaign trail, the VP teaming with Underwood’s cause, the Chief of Staff’s personal-before-professional decision, Zoe’s breakup, Claire’s betrayal, and other developments that are less exciting on their own and more setup for things to come – the cast members have never looked more comfortable in their roles, and that goes double for Spacey, who wears his role like a glove … the kind of glove that would look really good holding an Emmy statue.